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2022 - Present

Co-Founder, Head Programmer

Cambridge, MA


I actively back test, optimize, and create trading algorithms in Python and R, while maintaining this company's back-end systems.


Barnaby Interactive is a financial technologies startup that is working towards developing algorithm trading software and strategies that can make short term trading more accessible and profitable for us and our clients. I started this company with my peer, Matthew Kung and we are creating and optimizing these financial algorithms under our advisor George Kung, of KungHo Fund.



Newburyport, MA


This experience has allowed me to developed my social networking and communication proficiency, while learning some of the more complicated legal and financial aspects regarding real-estate


At Fruh Realty, I developed a deep understanding of my local real-estate markets and the business in general. During my time at Fruh Realty, I staged houses, filled out paperwork and legal documents, created a program to view MLS listings more easily, and overall participated in the sale of various properties.



Head of Operations and Head Shadow

Byfield, MA

I am the Head of Operations and Head Shadow for my school's financial and stock based student run organization, Stock Trading At Govs. We aim to educate our peers about personal finance, commodities trading, and general financial strategies. I will assume the head role the origination my senior year where I will continue to expand the organizations impact.



The Governor's Academy Artificial Intelligence and Programming Organization

Byfield, MA

I am the Co-Founder of The Governor's Academy Artificial Intelligence and Programming Organization; we teach a group of our peers the importance of AI and Machine Learning, how it will impact the future, and how to create applications with it. My Co-Founder, Matthew Kung, is proficient at programming Artificial Intelligence applications, and I teach and overview the programming aspect of the organization.



The Governor's Academy Robotics Organization

Byfield, MA

I am the Co-Founder of The Governor's Academy Robotics Organization. Separated from our school's robotics class, we develop and participate in Robotics Competitions, educate our peers about how to build robotics, and travel to lower income schools in order to teach younger students about robotics.


Head Analyst

Wharton's WGYP School Team

Byfield, MA

During my Sophomore year at The Governor's Academy, I participated in UPenn's Wharton Global Youth Program, a portfolio management competition where our team was challenged with the needs of our client and how to build a stocks portfolio around her ethics and belief system. We were in the top 5% of portfolio returns out of around 5000 other teams. I was head analyst, and did most of the market research and due-diligence for our team led by Bill Chan.


2020 - Present

The Governor's Academy


I am currently a Junior at The Governor's Academy in Byfield, MA where I am an honor role student and hold leadership positions in many clubs.

Byfield, MA

Professional skillset

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Financial Analysis


Commodities and Derivatives Trading


English (native)

Mandarin (elementary)

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