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CNA Inspired Think-Tank Event

Every year for 6 weeks, Julia McQuaid, a Government Official that works for CNA, one of the Government's largest think-tanks, teaches a night class to a group of students about a current events issue. During this time, we learn about these issues and prepare a presentation that we share to a group of parents, teachers, and other students. In 2021, the topic was Afghanistan and the United State's withdraw from it, resulting in issues and conflict. This year, the topic was climate change and how it affects National Security.

Afghanistan, 2021


During this think-tank, we discussed the United State's withdraw from Afghanistan and the issues it could cause. My group researched the economic state of Afghanistan, where we went in depth about how Afghanistan made money and their oil and drug exports. I was one of the speakers for the think-tank, and gave a speech about my group's findings.

Climate Change, 2022

During this year's think-tank, we discussed climate change, its causes, solutions, and overall its affect on National and International Security. This was a very interesting and relevant topic to us as students. My group researched the affects of climate change on our enemies, our allies, and our infrastructure. We presented to a group of 60 people and we believe that we made a positive impact by sharing accurate and helpful information that will hopefully aid in stopping climate change.

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